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All CollectionsMissing Points: Card-Linked Offers, Shop Offers, Referral Points
All Offers: I Don't See Points - When Will Points Post?
All Offers: I Don't See Points - When Will Points Post?
Updated over a week ago

Each offer has a unique Point Delivery time. This is a timeframe during which your points will pend before posting to your account. Under Offer details, you can see how many days until points are delivered to your account. 📬

Head over to the offer page! Using Sephora as an example, here's what you should see:



Pending points will appear in your Points History. Here's how to see this:

  • Tap on your points balance (top right, yellow button)

  • Tap on the pending points transaction

  • Status will show whether your purchase is still being verified and when you can expect points to post

It should look something like this ⬇️


If the full Point Delivery timeframe has elapsed and you still don't see pending points, or your points are stuck in pending for longer than the expected points delivery time, contact Customer Support - they'll be able to investigate for you.

  • Click My Drop in the app (bottom right)

  • Click the Menu in the top left corner → click Help

  • You’ll be directed to our Chatbot → follow the prompts, and a ticket will be created

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